Friday, June 21, 2013

Ghouse to FBI - Robert Mueller, take that poster down

Mike Ghouse on O'Reilly Factor,  Fox News tonight with Laura Ingram at 8:00 PM EST about the offensive poster. ‘Offensive to Muslims’: Mike Ghouse and Dem congressman Jim McDermott calls on FBI to take down photos of terrorists.
Mike Ghouse to FBI on Fox News -  "Robert Mueller, take that poster down"
The O'Reilly Factor - Laura Ingraham - Mike Ghouse 6/21/2013

First of all, as a society, we have a responsibility to keep law and order and faithfully guard the safety of every citizen. Hate is one of the many sources of disrupting the peace in a society and it is our duty to track down the source of such hate and mitigate the conflicts and nurture goodwill.  

FBI routinely posts the pictures of  the wanted terrorists in the post offices and public places, and even displayed on TV networks – so, if people spot them, they can report. 

Look at the stupidity of FBI – these terrorists are not in America, how will an American ever spot these dudes? That ad should be posted in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, not here in America. That is waste of tax payer dollars.
Poster on Seattle Bus- needs to come down
The 2nd Mistake is. Terrorists come in all colors, religions and races – to place the Muslim ones exclusively is damn stereotyping and a cause of hatred and disruption. This ad has got to go.

No American has to live in tension, apprehensions and fear of the other, that is the kind of cohesive America we want to build. 

I had warned Fox news right here on September 23 and again on October 8,  in two different appearances (  that the posters in the New York subway by Pamela Geller was 
dangerous to fellow Americans, particularly Muslim women wearing a scarf, Catholic women coming from a Church, Sikh Women, the older Hindu women with part of the Saree covering their head, the Non-Muslim women from Africa donning their cultural headdress. Does the city have a role in imbuing a sense of security in her people, or each citizen is on his or her own? Did you know a Hindu man was killed on the subway on mistaken Identity, is the security of that person means nothing? Who is responsible for the death of that individual? 

I am proud of Congressman, Jim McDermott from Washington State to work against stereotyping any one. The Daily Caller reports the following:
McDermott, a Democrat from Washington state, voiced his “deep concern” about the ad, which shows mug shots of international terrorists, and asked the FBI chief to “reconsider publicizing” it.

According to McDermott, the “ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
 McDermott continued, “Representing terrorists, however, from only one ethnic or religious group, promotes stereotypes and ignores other forms of extremism. The FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists List‘ includes individuals of other races and associated with other religions and causes, but their faces are missing from this campaign.”

My previous appearance on The O'Reilly factor -


Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism
, politics, peace, Islam, Israel,India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive Americaand offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goddess Saraswathi and President Obama

Goddess Saraswati and Obama Symbolize Relationship Between Indonesia and the U.S.

First, as an Indian American, I welcome this gesture by the Indonesian Embassy and congratulate them. They have indeed honored India, my motherland by honoring her Iconic figure; Goddess Saraswati. Bhupen Ganatra and Amol Mukherjee, the Indian leaders in Dallas add, "That this is great gift of highest level... awesome gesture by Indonesia expressing the best of religious harmony and importance of education by a Muslim nation offering a statue of Hindu Goddess to a mostly Christian nation. For this, Indonesia should be recognized by all nations... all religions." 

Devi Saraswathi, an icon of learning and Obama at her feet.
As an Indian American Muslim, I am proud of Indonesia for following the principles taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that each one of us is responsible for the well being of our neighbors, communities, nations and our world. We all came from a single couple and are made into different tribes, communities and nations and the best ones among us, God says in Quran are the ones who learn, understand and respect the others. Dr. Akbar Ahmed, who heads the ibn-Khaldun chair at the American University and a leading Muslim in America adds, "These symbolic gestures build upon each other in building peaceful societies." 

To promote pluralism, I would encourage you to click LIKE and Share on Twitter and Facebook from the following link - a comment would be encouraging. Thank you. 

Full story - 
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Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism
, politics, peace, Islam,Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building aCohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

Texas Faith: Are Interfaith Marriages Good for Couples?

Interfaith couples must be admired by one and all. When couples are having difficulty in getting along, they are setting a new standard: respecting the otherness of someone else and accepting the God-given uniqueness of each other. They may have grown up in different religious traditions, but yet, religion is not a barrier. The poet philosopher of the East, Dr. Allama Iqbal, says, Religion does not teach one to have ill-will. 

Texas Faith :Are Interfaith Marriages Good for Couples?
Dallas Morning News | Published on June 18, 2013

Naomi Schaefer Riley has a new book out with the title Til Faith Do Us Part: How Interfaith Marriage is Transforming America. You can read about that book at this link and then this link.
Interestingly, Riley, a former Wall Street Journal editor who has written extensively about religion and culture, notes that 45 percent of all U.S. marriages in the last decade were between people of different faiths. Naturally, we may look at that as a sign of greater acceptance and tolerance, which a broad society needs to remain dynamic and growing.
But Riley also reports that marrying across religious lines may be very difficult for the couples involved. Their deeply-held differences may eventually become a problem, especially when it comes to raising children.
There are a number of ways we could go with this question, including why datingcouples may spend more time worrying about political differences than religious distinctions. Feel free to chime in on that aspect, if you like. But the main point I would like you to consider is this: Interfaith marriages may help the broader society, but are they good for the couples?

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, and Speaker on interfaith matters, diversity and pluralism
Marriage is between two individuals who are willing to commit to each other’s well-being. They dedicate their lives to each other till death does them apart. The couple marries as a fulfillment of their desire for each other, and there is rarely a consideration to help the broader society.
However, interfaith, inter-racial and inter-ethnic marriages have paved the way for others in the larger societies who were once denied the right to pursue their happiness. Stories abound, where the lovers were prevented, harassed or killed by the parents, society or the clergy. We must appreciate their sacrifice, even though that was not their intention.
I must add a couplet from Urdu and Hindi Language, written by the Master Indian poet Mirza Ghalib:
Ishq par zor naheeN, hai ye woh aatish ‘GHalib’
ki lagaaye na lage aur bujhaaye na bane

Love is such a flame Ghalib (pen name),
you cannot lit or extinguish it, it just happens.

Like all couples, the interfaith couple also endures similar strains in their relationship, (8.4 and 7.9 marital satisfaction on Riley Scale) but it may take the avatar of faith if they are at each other’s throat. It is always easy to blame the religion for our failings. However, interfaith and other inter-relationships tend to be stronger.
Political differences provide humor to some couples. My father and mother voted differently but never had a fight over it except the occasional cold wars. I am a Republican and my wife is a Democrat, and we make attempts to convince each other, but back off as quickly as we initiate it, when she quotes me the Quran, “That you cannot compel your spouse to believe what she does not want to believe.”
Interfaith couples must be admired by one and all. When couples are having difficulty in getting along, they are setting a new standard: respecting the otherness of someone else and accepting the God-given uniqueness of each other. They may have grown up in different religious traditions, but yet, religion is not a barrier. The poet philosopher of the East, Dr. Allama Iqbal, says, Religion does not teach one to have ill-will.
I am a marriage officiant and have performed a range of interfaith marriages as a part of my pluralism work.

To see all the other responses, at Dallas Morning News at:

Added: Interfaith marriages performed include; Jewish-Christian; Hindu-Christian; Muslim-Jain; Hindu-Muslim, Atheist Hindu and  Jewish-Muslim and other combinations. For details, please visit:

This is my 133rd contribution at Dallas Morning News
Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism
, politics, peace, Islam,Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building aCohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

Sexual Fantasies of impotent Muslim clerics; Virgins in heaven with endless sex

First of all Memri-TV focus on making their money by  providing entertainment based in making fun of Arabs in particular, and Muslims in general. They pick some idiot in some corner of the Middle East and present him as the main stream Muslim leader. Unfortunately for many, this looks like the view of all Muslims, because it is coming from “Memri Research Institute,” Baloney!  It is not the view of Muslims. 

The talk about virgins is a fantasy of impotent men to live off in an elusive world.  They have fired up their own imaginations with endless sexual apetite, that they dont' have it.  It is just not a few random Muslim clerics, but it is the fantasy of men from different races, ethnicities and religions,   men who are disappointed in their own manhood. 

 The ugly part of this story these guys are talking about is in the literature,  just like the hard core pornographic magazines in American society is avaialable, there is hard core literature among a few Muslim clerics– which does not represent the values of Islam. Even though most Muslims do not subscribe to this, they are afraid to question.

Here are three videos that I have watched: 
  1. No Black women or Asian women found or wanted in Muslim heaven
  2. Saudi Cleric Al Sweilem Extols Paradise's Black Eyed Virgins
  3. جنت میں حوروں کا تصورvirgins of Paradise Ur V
The 3rd video is 7:38 Minute video and in Urdu language, the first part through 3rd minute is pure pornography. I bet the teens with raging sexual desires will possibly masturbate to this guys talk.

I am glad I ran into this video because of 2nd part of this video: It is by Mirza Tahir Ahmad and he interprets this as fantasy – he talks about “hoor” as an ideal man and woman in paradise free from the cycle of desires and satisfaction. Pleasure is a mental thing. I like his interpretation and response, except one small thing: The way he compares spicy Asian foods to the “tasteless” western food.  If he can improve on that comparison without the tone of denigration, I would pass this as an educational video.

Is it possible he is talking about the abstract ideals?
When the cleric in firs video talks about women should look at their men only, is he talking about super focused relationship with total loyalty? - It should have been vice versa also which the misogynistic idiot refuses to see.

When he talks about the strength of 1000 men, (in the 3rd video, the guy talks about 100 men) is he talking about what guys dream about in a relationship to please the woman sexually?

It sounds like fantasy of impotent men. Impotency is not derogatory, some men like this sheikh really believe in fantasy of being a potent man in that elusive paradise.
Are these guys transferring the ideal of this world- good sex, loyalty and exclusivity which they may not have to the fantasy of Paradise? Is their paradise a fantasy of day dreaming, that they consider being real and looking forward to it. 

As a Muslim, these videos are repulsive to me, they denigrate women. It’s not just a few Muslims who do this; it is by insecure men in all societies, faiths and races.

Mike Ghouse is a thinker, writer and a speaker on pluralism, interfaith, Islam, politics and building civil societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the and

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Examples of pluralism poetry in Hindi and Urdu

Thanks for the inquiries and clarifications about pluralism theme – let me sum up my work of 20 years, “If we can learn to respect the otherness of others, and accept the genetic uniqueness of each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.” Pluralism is simply an attitude.   
Some samples of poetry thus far;
I would encourage you to write on different issues where our attitudes determine the   pluralistic attitudes of acceptance of the other. Pluralism is not limited to religion, it is applicable in social, cultural, food, clothing, and linguistic, nationalistic, and ethnic aspects of life. Let’s face them with an attitude of an acceptable solution without aggravating the situation, and instead of keeping inside and poisoning the blood, lets discuss them in poetry format.
  • Naheed Shad’s poetry is going to be focusing on samajik issues, and I am pleased to hear that. It would be a breath of fresh air.
  • Ravi Kumar has included "bhook" in his poem ( this would be a good format – roman English and Hindi/Urdu- to benefit all readers – we request the poets to write the roman english in their own words, as others may mess it up).
saaraa aalam hee rotaa ho, jab bhookha koi sotaa ho 
सारा आलम ही रोता हो, जब भूखा कोई सोता हो
  • Taj Hashmi wrote on universality of righteousness
     Sab ke chhatoN par aur kehtoN meiN pani barsata hai 
Khuda Woh to yeh nahiN poochhta, “Tu ne mujhey aaj  yaad kiya hai ya nahiN”?

When He showers rain, it happens on every rooftop, no garden is out of its way
God never asks the silly question: “Did you remember me today?”

  •  Shah Alam Asar writes,
Pandito, Rahibo, Mullao meri baat suno
Ibne Adam hain sabhi, Farq jatate kion ho

(It’s a good take on Vasudhaiva Kutumbukum – the whole world is one family, what does it matter to prove the differences?)
  • Saeed Qureshi concludes his poem
Mazhabi azadiyaan, ilm o masawat o amal
so taraqqi yafta qoumon ka a ayeen hai.
( freedom of religion, equality are the hallmarks of progressive societies)
15 More poems on their way!


Some of us may have bias towards skirts, sarees, shalwar kameez, dhoti, Arab gear, pagdi, hat, topi, Hijab, pallu….does the bias contribute towards a well functioning society? Applying pluralism means – accepting each custom as unique, but not inferior or superior. You wear and feel good about your skirt, and I feel good about my Saree.  Humility builds bridges and arrogance destroys the relationships.

If you like Gulab Jamun and I like Ras Gulla – would we listen to a dietician, nutritionist, doctor, scientist, food connoisseur or any one -  if they say Gulab Jamun is better than Ras Gulla? You probably would  say – Chal, hut, bhaag yahaan say! 


Back in Bangalore in the late 60’s – people have killed each other on the silliest of things – it is the size of the  cut out  pictures of Dr. Raj Kumar, Kannada film actor and M.G. Ramachandran, his counterpart in Tamil films. The fans were vying with each other to build the taller cut out for their idol - they went from 25 feet and all the way upto to 60 feet tall, rioting was common – all they had to learn was Raj Kumar means everything to the Kanndigas and MGR means everything to the Tamilians, so what?

Because I am a guy, I am sharing my perspective – in college days we argued vehemently over who is more beautiful; Hema Malini, Waheeda Rahman or Rekha. We kept forgetting that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,  and we would have saved the anger and a mukka - two of them become bitter towards each other, they were trying to force each other to believe either Hema or Waheeda was more beautiful. I said, so what you cannot even get an audience with them - Those guys envy me,  I had the luxury of sitting and talking with both the most beautiful women of India, and I was in hog heaven!

Please note, I will not use the language pluralism with wife – spouse means either wife or husband and in no particular order, as neither is above the other. Does it bother you that your spouse wears a dark green suit (male or female)? Is that a source of conflict every time you go out?  Why do we have to push the other to wear what we want,  and wear what is not comfortable to them... let them wear and be happy. A happy companion is better than the grouchy one waiting to get even.
Pluralism is simply an attitude – necessary to keep the conflicts in every aspect of life to a low level.
I attended the meeting at Urdu Ghar tonight, and I just could not believe the environment of pluralism there…   I am a life member of the International Hindi Association, a great secular organization, and I was looking for a similar secular and a pluralistic organization in Urdu – eureka, I found it.  I will write more about it.

We were working on finding a word in Urdu for pluralism -  many words were considered, but most of them agreed on the word “Bahimiyat” proposed by Dr. Amer Suleman, and now its his turn to explain Bahimiyat in a quartet or a full Nazm as an introduction in the program – like wise, the word Anekant vaad does not fully represent the breadth of the word Pluralism, and Anand has floated Anekta may ekta… we need another word to fully describe pluralism,  and I ask Anand Punjabi to write a quartet as an introduction or we ask  Nishi, Sushila jee, Fateh or Chini Saheb propose and write multiple words.
There was a good song in a film called “Do Kaliyan” which talks about dropping the Urdu-Hindi ka Jhagda – if you have time, it is a good song- by my mentor Kavi Sahir Ludhianavi.
Please feel free to call me or any one of our team members – you can text me and give me the time to call back.  (214) 325-1916. I have a perfect record of returning every call and every email that asks me a question despite the amount of emails and calls I receive.
We are looking for someone to sponsor tea/soda/ pakora/samosa…. And some funding for producing the book – you can contribute from 50-500, all funds will be accounted and listed. You can go to:

Thank you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916/ text

....... Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism
, politics, peace, Islam, Israel,India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at

Good news update about Urdu-Hindi Mushaera on Pluralism

Invitation to Hindi/ Urdu Speaking friends; 
Everything thing you wanted to know about pluralism; cultural, social, religious, political) will be here. Scroll down for more details and also check on the left panel. 
Urdu Hindi اُردو / हिंदी Mushaera on Pluralism
Venue: Richardson Civic Center

411 W. Arapaho Road, Richardson, TX 75080
 Saturday, June 29, 2013
7:45 PM - 11:00 PM  - Limited Seating
Must RSVP to
We request your participation in one or many ways;

Be our guest attendee. 
Write a poem based on the theme of Pluralism (social, cultural, religious, political…)
Recite your poem in the Musha’era/ Summelan
Be our sponsor 

If you want to bring a change to the society, be the propeller. 
It is our individual and collective responsibility to create societies where no one has to live in apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other. 

I appreciate you support in seeding the idea of pluralism in Urdu/Hindi languages at this time as a first step.  Poetry is a major part of Urdu/Hindi speaking population in India and Pakistan and touches every one through songs, Mushaeras and Sammelans. We can become propellers of the change and plant the seeds that will become trees and bear fruit and shade in a generation or two.

15 poets have confirmed writing poetry in easy Urdu/Hindi languages to communicate to larger audience and we hope to have at least 20 poets. We hope to get good media coverage, and it will be a model event that sets the standards for future events to improve upon it.  We will make an effort to get it published in Pakistani and Indian papers. We are seeking support from all the groups to be a part of this event


Shri D. D. Maini 
Irfan Ali (940) 565-1723 
Amin Tirmizi (817) 663-3786
Noor Amrohvi (972) 859-0647
Anand Punjabi (214) 499-2663
AG Chini (972) 978-7034 Javed Samuel Gill (214) 315-5253 
Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916
